Exploring your E-bike Paradox: An Exercise of Self-Discovery
Five steps to uncover your inner-cyclist perceptions of E-bikes
A paradox is something you feel contradicts your beliefs and life. Looking deeper into them reveals it may be true and positively impact your life. Many cyclists grapple with the internal conflict between their traditional views of cycling and the appeal and benefits of e-bikes.
There is no denying that e-bikes are becoming more visible. They are claiming more floor space in traditional bike shops. E-cyclists are common on streets and trails. Cities have added e-bikes to bike share programs. Cyclists likely know more than just a few people riding e-bikes.
The e-bike market is not blind to these facts. Manufacturers are maturing their e-bike models. Advancements in battery technology, appearance, lighter materials, and improved safety features drive progress in the e-bike industry.
Traditional bike manufacturers have successfully navigated the challenges posed by e-bikes. They recognize that e-bikes promote personal fitness and well-being and encourage greater participation in cycling, expanding the cycling community to be a more inclusive cycling culture.
The bike industry embraced e-bikes, recognizing their potential for growth and profitability. Cyclists must also examine their values and assumptions regarding e-bikes. By understanding these perspectives, cyclists can determine if e-bikes align with their goals and enhance their cycling experience.
Change can be difficult but often leads to personal growth and new opportunities. This is true in all aspects of life, including cycling. If you're considering an e-bike, these five steps can help you embrace a new chapter in your cycling journey.
Step 1 – Overcome your barriers.
Cyclists are tribal. We surround ourselves with people who cycle and look like us, ride similar bikes, dress the same, and enjoy the same cycling style. Being accepted is highly valued by human beings. However, change sometimes threatens our sense of belonging to the tribe.
Many people's fears about e-bikes stem from concerns about maintaining fitness, cycling social status, and surrendering to aging too early. Overcoming these fears requires acknowledging that life evolves with new opportunities for enjoyment and personal growth.
Step 2: Listen to your inner voice.
While pushing boundaries and overcoming challenges is a valuable aspect of cycling, it's important to prioritize our overall well-being. True success in cycling includes physical achievements but also mental and emotional resilience, self-acceptance, and appreciation of life’s journey.
If your rides are too demanding, leave you behind, or feel stuck in a cycling rut, it signals the time to explore new possibilities. An e-bike can open new avenues to explore and enjoy while overcoming physical limitations and rediscovering the joy of cycling.
Step 3: Understand what motivates you.
Overcoming barriers requires a shift in perspective. Instead of viewing them as obstacles, reframe them as opportunities for growth and new experiences. This includes cycling. Joy and fulfillment are found by growing our cycling to embrace change and new challenges.
Dig deeper and reflect on your motivations for cycling. When faced with challenges in your rides, consider how you can adapt and explore new possibilities. An e-bike may be one of those possibilities that allows you to continue reaping the benefits of cycling.
Step 4: Adapt to new possibilities.
Change is easier when approached with flexibility and a willingness to explore new possibilities. It's learning to adapt and find new ways to enjoy the aspects of cycling we value the most and grow as cyclists.
If you value longer rides, consider how an e-bike can help you explore them further. If you enjoy a challenging climb, imagine conquering hills more easily and enjoying the ride more. If you cherish social connections, consider how an e-bike opens doors to new experiences and a wider cycling community.
Step 5: Embrace evolution.
Embracing change is fundamental to personal growth. By embracing new cycling possibilities, such as e-bikes, we can adapt to evolving circumstances and continue experiencing the joy of cycling. It can be the thrill of the ride, the sense of freedom, or the connection to people and the outdoors.
An e-bike can open doors to new cycling experiences, from exploring challenging trails to embarking on long-dreamed cycling adventures. You can maintain your fitness while enjoying a more comfortable ride. An e-bike can renew the joy of cycling and your connection with the cycling community.
Address your e-bike paradox.
I hope these five steps help you explore your relationship with cycling and determine if an e-bike is right for you. Your journey of self-discovery may result in an e-bike being or not being in your future.
Part of this paradox is how you look at e-bikes and the cyclists riding them more objectively. I will remind you of my cycling mantra, ‘If you ride a bike you are a cyclist.’ That means with no exceptions, ifs, ands, or buts.
Remember to change your perception of cycling and e-bikes may not come overnight. Be patient as you dig into your inner self to adapt to the changing cycling world.
Embracing change, even when uncomfortable, can lead to unexpected rewards. Exploring new ways of cycling opens you to a world of new possibilities and happiness. Will one way be on an e-bike? Time will tell.
A dilemma I face is hauling an E-Bike to trails. Living in Ohio there are so many trails that my cycling friends and I enjoy. My bike rack can carry two bikes so we can enjoy each other's company on the drive to a trailhead. An E-Bike will require a totally new set up. One friend who got an e-bike wound up getting a new car in order to accommodate a rack to carry it. I am 78 yo and I won't say "never" but it will be a huge change on several levels.