Giving thanks for a clear path forward
In 2024, the Ohio to Erie Trail found that is much more than the miles.
The holidays are here. It's a time when we're at an emotional high, immersing ourselves in food, fun, and memories with loved ones. It's also when we rush to tie up loose ends and complete what we've put off for eleven months. We want to enter the new year with a clean slate and a clear path forward.
The Ohio to Erie Trail is much like each of us—it must find that clear path to thrive and grow. Over the past year, significant planning has occurred behind the scenes, unnoticed by those who enjoy the trail. This work began in 2023 and went full speed ahead this year as the board of directors defined the trail's mission and vision for the future.
This was of particular interest to me when I became president. Coming from a corporate background, I'm accustomed to mission-driven decision-making. The Ohio to Erie Trail had a clear mission: to fund and build a cross-state non-motorized path across Ohio. With 90% of this mission accomplished, it was time to look beyond the trail miles to envision the trail's path forward.
As the trail network expanded, more people discovered its benefits. Locals found solace in nature, using the trail for commuting, exercise, and leisure. Additionally, visitors from near and far were drawn to the trail, eager to explore its many miles and experiences.
Achieving the initial mission has driven economic growth and boosted tourism. As more people discovered the trail, demand grew for lodgings, restaurants, bike shops, and other visitor amenities. Assuring the trail remains open, safe, and inviting has become crucial. What once were nice-to-haves became must-haves that transform the trail into a vital asset for communities and visitors alike.
In November 2023, the Ohio to Erie Trail board gathered for a strategic planning retreat. Board members were asked to envision the trail's broader impact and future potential, considering its role in promoting outdoor recreation, tourism, and economic development. A day of reflection and exercises clarified the direction for the path forward.
Early this year, the trail's mission and vision were finalized providing a clear path to follow. These statements affirm the trail's commitment to actively engage in partnerships and actions that foster the growth and success of Ohio’s cross-state trail network. Through our efforts, the Ohio to Erie Trail strengthens its identity as a premier outdoor destination, attracting visitors from within and beyond the state.
Our Vision
The Ohio to Erie Trail is a world-class connected multi-use trail network encouraging all to discover the unique experiences of Ohio. The trail provides adventure, tourism, health and well-being, recreation, and connections to nature and history.
Our Mission
The Ohio to Erie Trail’s mission is to promote, preserve, and enhance a network of regional trails linking communities across the state from the Ohio River to Lake Erie.
Armed with a new mission and vision, the board was focused on ensuring that these weren't just words on paper or a webpage but a living breathing roadmap to the trail's future. To achieve this, they developed six key strategies to guide the trail’s efforts over the next four years.
Develop engaging and user-friendly marketing and communication channels to deliver valuable resources and information.
Help communities create a welcoming environment for trail visitors.
Support trail partners and stakeholders in securing funding for trail development, enhancement, and maintenance.Â
Build strong partnerships with public and private organizations that champion healthy, safe, and thriving trails.
Advocate for policies supporting trail development, maintenance, and public access across Ohio's government.
Champion the future of the Ohio to Erie Trail by building a strong, well-rounded, and active board dedicated to good governance and sustainable practices.
Over several months, the board brainstormed and developed goals that aligned their work to the mission. Six working groups were formed to address the strategies. Board members joined groups that align with their expertise and passions, ensuring a board-driven approach to achieving our goals.
These teams will work individually and collaborate to turn goals into objectives. Goals are the destination the trail aims to reach over the next four years. Objectives are what we do to move the trail one step at a time down the path to that destination. Â
I want the trail community to know this work is a collaborative effort. The Ohio to Erie Trail needs the voices of those who share and benefit from our mission to drive our progress to be a world-class, connected, multi-use trail network. These teams will seek your input and participation.
Thanksgiving week is upon us. As we gather with family and friends, enjoying the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the delicious feast, it’s time to give thanks.
I’m thankful to have the Ohio to Erie Trail in my life.
I am thankful for the dedicated work of the Ohio to Erie Trail board of directors, who have walked beside me in shaping the future of this trail.
I am thankful for the trail community that has embraced the trail and brought us to where we are today.
As we move forward into the new year, I am thankful for the clear path ahead.
Thanks for the interesting information!!! I LOVE our world class trail!!!